In orthodontic treatment planning, involving the key question of preservation of the anchorage and lingual arch in association with the present-day labial appliances provides a viable solution to the orthodontist. The continuous wire lingual arch auxiliary addresses the important aspect of anchorage conservation by enhancing the buildup of forces in the posterior region. It also facilitates the retraction of the anterior segments and the resultant correction of the soft tissues.
Uses of the lingual arch :
1. Reinforce anchorage - mandibular first molars of either side are attached using lingual arch to enhance anchorage in association with the fixed labial appliance - major role.
2. Space maintainer - in mixed dentition to preserve leeway space due to early loss of deciduous cuspids and molars.
3. Control of molars (one or both sides) - by expansion or contraction, molar rotation, buccal or lingual torque of the crowns.
4. As 6-6 ‘retainer’ - after active treatment of the mandibular arch.
5. Limited protrusion of the lower incisors by the opening of the omega loops of the lingual arch.

Advantages of lingual arch :
1. Continuous action due to 24 hours wearability.
2. Simple adjustments and activations outside the mouth are possible due to easy removal and reinsertion.
3. Pleasant to wear due to simple and delicate design.
4. No hindrance to oral functions, particularly tongue movements.
5. Can be used alone or in conjunction with other multiband labial techniques.
6. Possibility of complete or partial heat treatment when no further changes in the dimensions of the arch are required.
7. Appliance is virtually invisible as it is placed lingually.
Lingual arches are versatile auxiliaries for the mandibular arch. They have proved to be an important adjunct to present-day pre-adjusted labial edgewise appliance systems. They aid in controlled tooth movements in all three planes of space. However, their usage in different clinical situations needs to be fully exploited to evaluate their anchorage enhancing potential.